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Market volatility - What now?

Watching volatile stock markets with extreme ups and downs isn’t easy, but history shows that this is normal. It’s important for investors to stay calm and stick to their long-term plan.

Volatility can create opportunity. History has shown that markets tend to recover in less than a year. Since 1928, the S&P 500 has seen 26 bear markets (defined as a drop of 20% or more from the previous high) with an average duration of 289 days.

Source:  S&P Dow Jones Indices, S&P 500 Index from Sept.7, 1929 to Feb. 23, 2020

Will market volatility continue?

We are likely in a period of elevated volatility that will continue, says Chhad Aul, Chief Investment Officer & Head of Multi-Asset Solutions, SLGI Asset Management Inc. This video looks at what’s behind today’s volatility and how investors may position their portfolios in this uncertain environment.

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